
Monday, 14 November 2011

#some hint on how to start optimising

Just decided to start a blog... to somehow keep track about what I am doing.

For game developers the final program must be optimised to every bit - to achieve that, the developers need a lot of in-depth knowledge of the architecture, they are developing for.
I found it quite hard to find a good piece of information about how to achieve this level of optimisation,
but I found a really good ressource in the end.

There is a swedish professor, who published really good tutorials about optimising. He discribes the main architectures in detail and the several operation systems in the first part. This is also the most important part, because modern compilers are good at optimising, so there is no general need to optimise it yourself on an assembly level.
For some people like myself, it's not enough to not know if I could still squeeze out another 5% performance, so I am glad that this swedish professor felt the same.

So for everyone who wants some in-depth knowledge about these topics, here you go.