After the x-mas break and the coursework time I started a new small personal project again. My personal goal now is to build a simple framework I can work with for further coursework or small games.
I decided to use the SFML-library for cross-platform window creation and input handling et cetera and use glew for drawing. Both libraries integrate seemlessly and SFML even allows a lightweight window creation perfectly suitable for game purposes.
The makefile I wrote is currently just working on OSX, but other operating system will be added in the future. The cross-platform capabilities are available and will be used later on.
The major concern I have at the moment is that OSX Lion is still not supporting a newer version of OpenGL and I would love to work with 3.3+ (and the new GLSL version) but unfortunately I have to live with that.
I will update on my progress later and also publish my git repository. After finishing the basic framework I am planning to implement an skip-quadtree based event system to do some research on event systems suitable for big interactive game-worlds (e.g. MMOs).